Scottish Word: Gled.
Ha Ha yer in the gled’s grups noo Superchook, ah’ve had mha gled ee on yer pouers for years an ther’s nocht ye kin do but snuil doon noo an gie them tae me. Mha Super … Continue reading Gled.
Ha Ha yer in the gled’s grups noo Superchook, ah’ve had mha gled ee on yer pouers for years an ther’s nocht ye kin do but snuil doon noo an gie them tae me. Mha Super … Continue reading Gled.
Bide back ahv goat a gun ahn am no afeard tae yuise it. Yin step mair ahn I malafooster yer egg. Wirms o the warld unite! We rule. Ahm Muskie the wirm o wirms. Ye’ll newser … Continue reading Malafooster.
Weeel Dougal, yer a toucan that loves yer scrat o the back o the neck the day. Mind, yer moultin an seekin a coorie-in mair than usual. Translate: scrat: scratch, claw. Well well Dougal you’re a … Continue reading Scrat.
Rin rin Sneddon o the pen, keep up wi Malky yer bird and stap yer huizle. If we mak guid time we kin tak the currach and navigate tae the hidden Firth o the Black Winter … Continue reading Rin.
Oh No. Not ataw, My pal here Mr Geenyoch the burd isni gonna eat meee. He’s named me. And Ahm noo caw’d Galshach, an awfie bonnie name, ahn he has promised tae tak me tae a … Continue reading Geenyoch.
“…and are ye jist as wee an uggin unner the water as ye are abune it? Har har” Translate: abune, aboon, aboun: above. “…and are you just as small and disgusting under the water as you … Continue reading Abune.
“HOI! Get away frae that windie.” Translate: windie: window. “HOI! Get away from that window.” The Scottish Word: windie with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in context in the … Continue reading Windie.
“Och ye puir thing, yer no able tae mak oot the screivins oan the sign, an the grund’s aw stoory an scrochen cos o drooth. But hae nae fear, the watter hole’s thon wye.” Translate: scrochen, … Continue reading Scrochen.
“Gie yirsel a shak! Ah feel an egg comin on.” Translate: shak: shake. “Rouse yourself and get sensible! I am feeling an egg coming on.” The Scottish Word: shak with its definition and its meaning illustrated … Continue reading Shak.
“Us rooks is maistly vegetarian apart frae the odd wirm or twa – unlike craws. An whut’s mair we huv the shaggy breeks.” Translate: craw: crow, corvus c. corone. “We rooks are mostly vegetarian apart from … Continue reading Craw.