Scottish Word: Scrat.
Weeel Dougal, yer a toucan that loves yer scrat o the back o the neck the day. Mind, yer moultin an seekin a coorie-in mair than usual. Translate: scrat: scratch, claw. Well well Dougal you’re a … Continue reading Scrat.
Weeel Dougal, yer a toucan that loves yer scrat o the back o the neck the day. Mind, yer moultin an seekin a coorie-in mair than usual. Translate: scrat: scratch, claw. Well well Dougal you’re a … Continue reading Scrat.
Weel Ladies this is oor battle-air-ship but dinni be fooled – the airmour’s paper thin tae keep her licht eneuch so’s the aerium gas in her bladders’ll lift her quick so’s we kin rocket awa gleg … Continue reading Licht.
Look you’re seek an ahm seek o hingin aboot in this scunneration o a shady jungle. So lets swing o-er tae whaur there’s a bare hirsty humple an beek in the sun fur a change. Ah … Continue reading Beek.
“An here’s the falset jotters tae prove tae them wha want tae ken that the timmer cam frae a manished susteenable rainforest.” Translate: timmer: timber. “And here is the forged paperwork that will make believe those … Continue reading Timmer.
“Tak us doon tae the lurgy deeps an oor denner ma trusty steed an hunter.” Translate: denner, dennar: dinner, dine. “Take us down to the infested deeps and get us some food, my trusty steed and … Continue reading Denner.
“Nae worries pal. Whether muckle or wee me an Prince Fearless here will tak care o a’ the raptors.” Translate: muckle: big. “No problem dear new acquaintance. Whether large or small, myself and Prince Fearless here … Continue reading Muckle.
“Ye’d think evolution wid gi us a better way tae carry oor sprogs, a pooch or sic like.” Translate: pooch: pocket. “You would think evolution would give us a better way to carry our offspring, a … Continue reading Pooch.
“wheesht min an it’ll nivir find us.” Translate: wheesht: be quiet. “Keep silent man and it will never find us.” The Scottish Word: wheesht with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word … Continue reading Wheesht.