Scottish Word: Powsowdie.
Hoi gran is it potted-heid or powsowdie yer making ahn dae ye still want me tae peel ahn shred the veg? Are ye no supposed tae skin the thing or at least singeit the wool and … Continue reading Powsowdie.
Hoi gran is it potted-heid or powsowdie yer making ahn dae ye still want me tae peel ahn shred the veg? Are ye no supposed tae skin the thing or at least singeit the wool and … Continue reading Powsowdie.
“Ach… this is gey fusionless broth.” Translate: fusionless: without substance or body, lacking in nourishment, dull, insipid, without taste. “Tut Tut… this is awfully thin, tasteless, insipid, weak, uninspired broth.” The Scottish Word: fushionless with its … Continue reading Fushion.
“Thon’s an unfierdy teuchter thon!” Translate: unfierdy: clumsy, awkward. “That is a clumsy bumpkin that is!” clumsy. Quality workers are worth a lot. People I know have been made redundant and it seems to me that … Continue reading Unfierdy.
“Quick! Sook yir feathers in, he’s seek o kail an thinkin o chook soup.” Translate: kail: curly leaved cabbage; general word for a feed; or broth made from greens. “Quick! Suck your feathers in, he is … Continue reading Kail.
“God sink ye! I’m wishin I’d had the haddie nooooo . . . Translate: haddie: haddock. “Lord sink you! I am wishing that I had ordered the haddock now.” The Scottish Word: haddie with its definition … Continue reading Haddie.