Scottish Word: Pit.
Pit the brick back – if you can keek oot the Ogre can keek in. We dinni want him tae ken we’ve got a hidie-hole in his castle ahn him wi no kennin o a wey … Continue reading Pit.
Pit the brick back – if you can keek oot the Ogre can keek in. We dinni want him tae ken we’ve got a hidie-hole in his castle ahn him wi no kennin o a wey … Continue reading Pit.
We’re no gonna rook ye entirely, we’re no thon sort o pirate. But gie us yer siller wrapped in yir five pund note, we ken aw aboot it, yir bow tie, your collar, an forby thon … Continue reading Rook.
Yir leid lid’s nae yis as protection agin the 5G phone masts transmitting Covid 19. Which is paranoid shite onywye. Especially, if’n it wiz true, awbody has tae be opening this wee hatch tae spik te … Continue reading Leid.
Ahm haein a dook in aw the warlds wi watter atween the Horse’s Heid Nebula ahn the Cat’s Ee Nebula wi a wee detour tae the Eemock Nebula. I’m definitely veesitin aw the watter warlds aboot … Continue reading Warld.
Get Ellen on the squawk – the dummy Ripley’s scroban’s aw riven’d aboot. Tell him we’re feart there’s a wilrone aboot up here, in space, wi us. Noo. Translate: scrobam: gizzard, neck or human chest. Get … Continue reading Scroban.
Hop It? Whit dae ye mean hop it!? Hop it yersel ya wee short ersed peengie maithe o a gaird ye. Ye ken ahm the laithsome peg leg peratt yella teeth McGrawker, promoter ahn brither tae … Continue reading Peengie.
“Weel weel, an did ma ee kittle yer spaeing as tae what’s in your immediate future?” Translate: spae spey spay: foretell, predict, tell the future. “Well well, and and did my eye improve your telling as … Continue reading Spae.
“Could yiz tak yersels aff an peck at the girse somewhere else. Ah’m tryin tae sleep doon here.” Translate: yiz, yez, yaes, youz: you (plural), you lot. “Could you take yourselves off and peck at the … Continue reading Yiz.
“Hoi! Mind yer heid we’re gowfin here.” Translate: gowf: golf. “Hoi! Mind your head we are golfing here.” Hatch. Golf is an old game but Scots lay claim to adding the hole and playing it on … Continue reading Gowf.
“Naw. Nae mair assassinations fur a while, ah’m efter a gowd gong ower here.” Translate: gowd: gold. “No thank you. No more assassinations for a time, I’m going to be busy trying for a gold medal … Continue reading Gowd.