Scottish Word: Yella.
Jings! A muckle buttered finger o toast chasin a biled egg wi a yella mou. The things ye see when ye dinni huv yer gun. Translate: yella: yellow. Crumbs! A giant buttered finger of toast chasing … Continue reading Yella.
Jings! A muckle buttered finger o toast chasin a biled egg wi a yella mou. The things ye see when ye dinni huv yer gun. Translate: yella: yellow. Crumbs! A giant buttered finger of toast chasing … Continue reading Yella.
“Toast nivir lands butter side doon as afen as is thocht. An if it does, it’s a sure sign there’s attery oot an aboot that shouldni. That’s why I built this universal attery detector.” Translate: attery: … Continue reading Attery.
“It’s a shame so few folk see a real fire noo-a-days. They’re all gettin saft AND saft in the heid with their central heatin an ithir comforts.” Translate: saft: soft. “It is a shame that so … Continue reading Saft.