Three witches at a cauldron creating all sorts of coloured smoke and fumes.
The Scottish Word:


Weel weel aw oor cookin up o this virus has resulted in a wee bonus o this wee bittie cloot* whit’ll keep the smeek an smuir oot o oor lighs.

ahn whit’s mair if’n we whip it aff in front o the wee bairnies it’ll gie them a rare fleg.

What wi the rare coontenance we aw have.


smuir: thick smoke, suffocating atmosphere, to be smothered, to suffocate, extinguish something.

Well well all our cooking up of this virus has resulted in a small bonus of this little bit of cloth* that will keep the burning fumes and suffocating smoke out of our lungs.

And what’s more if we go and whip it off in front of small children they will get an incredible scare.

What with the unexpected countenance that we all have.

*Not  FFP2 or FFP3  – the witches’ masks are only protection from larger particles like soot and dust. Viruses and the witch whisky’s deadly caustically potent alcoholic molecules will pass through.

The Scottish Word: smuir with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in context in the Scots language and in English.

Nursing Notes.

“New guidance published by the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) and its regional counterparts finally recognises the ‘undeniable evidence’ that Covid-19 spreads through the air.”

“The latest Infection prevention and control guidance for the UK now recommends the use of FFP2 or FFP3 masks for all staffing caring for confirmed or suspected Covid-19 patients within the infective period of the virus.”

“The British Medical Association (BMA) has said it welcomes the new long overdue guidance and now wants employers to ensure all staff are fit tested.”

From Nursing Notes and the New National Infection Control Guidelines (Jan 2022).


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