Moudie, massel ahn Rattons here are wonderin if the whittrets ahn futtrets are gonna tak us seriously eneuch when we set aboot them. What wi us wearin oor red noses anaw. Nae meanin tae be disrespeckfu … Continue reading Whittret. →

As tae yer feckless idea tae experiment on what this neep mincer wid dae tae ferm cats. Zeendy: try that wi onie o the ferm cats roond here an they’d skin us tae the bane and … Continue reading Feckless. →

I think it’s lumpy because you’ve used the parritch mix instead o the wallpaper paste mix dear. Nae wonder the rat’s eating it. Ahn tae mak it warse ye’ve used ma insta-mix special extra lumpy hip … Continue reading Parritch. →
Scottish Word: Faut.

Hoi! It’s no ma faut folk are biggin canal bridges oot o glaiss. Ahn wha decided you shuid be the arbiter of what a quine sees or disni see onywye? Are you the boss o her? … Continue reading Faut. →
Scottish Word: Attery.

“Toast nivir lands butter side doon as afen as is thocht. An if it does, it’s a sure sign there’s attery oot an aboot that shouldni. That’s why I built this universal attery detector.” Translate: attery: … Continue reading Attery. →
butter, calendar, cycle, goggles, knife, machinery, pratchet, rat, skeleton, skull, toast, wheel Scottish Word: Coont.

“Ah ken, but it’s the thoucht that coonts, ma wee pal.” Translate: coont, cwint: add up, count. “I know, but it’s the thought that counts, my small new acquaintance and friend.” kunt gesture. It’s three weeks … Continue reading Coont. →
blade, bread, chain, cheese, cut, gaol, knees, prisoner, rat, toes, wall, wine Scottish Word: Swack.

“Hmmmm this is swack n tasty.” Translate: swack: moist and soft, easily mouldable; of cheese. “Hmmmm this is moist, soft and tasty.” swak The Scottish Word: swack with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned … Continue reading Swack. →
Scottish Word: Bocht.

“Mither! Faither! I’ve sorted oot the mortgage arrears – I bocht the bank. Hello. Hellooo…” Translate: bocht: bought. “Mother! Father! I have sorted out the mortgage arrears – I went and bought the bank. Hello. Hellooo…” … Continue reading Bocht. →
candle, candles, door, dry, fire, fireplace, floor, rat, rats, son, spider, sun, web Scottish Word: Widd.

“We’ve got the teeth in common – could ye no see me goin intae widdland management – same as you – on a sma scale like.” Translate: widd: wood. “We have got the teeth in common … Continue reading Widd. →
Scottish Word: Jaur.

“Ach this jaur’s fair toom an nae mistake.” Translate: jaur: jar. “Dear me, this jar’s rather empty and no mistake.” The Scottish Word: toom with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word … Continue reading Jaur. →