Scottish Word: Sithean.
Ah ken we’re fond o this lee slope o the sithean fur winchin. But kin you no hear that discordant fairy tinklin? Ahn diz it no gie ye the grue? Translate: sithean: artificial mound or small … Continue reading Sithean.
Ah ken we’re fond o this lee slope o the sithean fur winchin. But kin you no hear that discordant fairy tinklin? Ahn diz it no gie ye the grue? Translate: sithean: artificial mound or small … Continue reading Sithean.
She’s gonna be in a richt radge at her hinnie piece gettin weet and her tea bein diluted in the coming rain. She’s awready got the sair heid an wi that storm breeshlin in awfi fast … Continue reading Hinnie.
The grochlin ‘n gobbin as he creeps aboot the tunnels aye gies plenty o warnin Gollum’s aboot. Guid job he disni ken we kin climb up oot o the watter tae hide amongst the stalactites, cracks … Continue reading Grochle.
Aye, wi one ee I never see double or get skellie ee’d nae matter how long I’m oan the swallie. Mind you it maks me fair hungert an I aften fire up a barbecue. I like … Continue reading Swallie.
He’s the minister ca’d Poe frae the Parish o Ee, wha loves the winter ahn liked tae skate free, so pou the haun’l ahn let the chiel flee. Either tae birk he’ll crash or near tae … Continue reading Birk (1).
“Ah telt ye tae keep yir stievel bunnet oan tae protect yer napper.” Translate: napper: head. “I warned you, did I not, to keep your hard hat on, to protect your head.” The Scottish Word: napper … Continue reading Napper.