Scottish Word: Tulyie.
Ah telt ye the beasties on this streetch o the river were a tulyie canally. Translate: tulyie, toolie: quarrel, fight, scuffle. I did warn you that the insects on this stretch of the river were a … Continue reading Tulyie.
Ah telt ye the beasties on this streetch o the river were a tulyie canally. Translate: tulyie, toolie: quarrel, fight, scuffle. I did warn you that the insects on this stretch of the river were a … Continue reading Tulyie.
“Right. Are ye sure yer Chems for golems are perfect this time Asimov? I’m no wantin this thing gi’in me oni mair o this bane heidit by the letter tirraneese it gets up tae. It pented … Continue reading Tirraneese.
“It’s bad enough giving away your ambush position but the guff fae yer pump’s so bad it nearly maks me wish I wuz indeed deid. ” Translate: guff: stench, bad smell. “It is bad enough giving … Continue reading Guff.
“What dae ye mean the watter’s ower weet?” Translate: watter: water. “What do you mean the water is too wet?” The Scottish Word: watter with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word … Continue reading Watter.