Scottish Word: Teet.
It disni herm the snake but blaws aw its deadly pushion oot. An the teet noise seems tae clear oot aw ither snakes fur auchteen miles aroond. Amazin. Translate: teet: the smallest squeak. It does not … Continue reading Teet.
It disni herm the snake but blaws aw its deadly pushion oot. An the teet noise seems tae clear oot aw ither snakes fur auchteen miles aroond. Amazin. Translate: teet: the smallest squeak. It does not … Continue reading Teet.
Lookatit, tweetlin awa guid style. The wee burd. Gonna no malkie it Bob, gonna no, will ye no? Tweetlin its pair hert oot wi it’s bonnie wee reid bib an aw fur a inklin fouterie snippit … Continue reading Tweetle.
He’s been converted tae electric for years but took tae feuchin tae compensate. His feuchie habit means I hae tae tak a pipe aff him at iviry station. He disni like it. He misses his lum … Continue reading Feuch.
Ah foresaw an awready kent aw this whut cam tae pass. The doctor there’ wha nearly chokit oan a stott o cake. The life savin’ Heimlich viking beardy loun, the reid pussed baxter o indegestible buns. … Continue reading Baxter.
Noo, Bone Breaker Bill. Yir clear that this is no personal. Nae bad feelins like. I’m jist gonna mell yir coupon a bitty tae mak it worthy o the muckle donations that Cell Blocks’ A, B, … Continue reading Mell.
This is the 40 puss a meenit cheenger, ye jig yir siller caird through this slot tae mak yir red nose day donation an awa she goes. Wi jist need tae get the Winkleman worried look … Continue reading Puss.
“Spankie like noo lads! Ah need tae be awa shairp like wi the tirlie fully chairged tae win.” Translate: tirlie: something which curls, spins, or twirls round; an intricate device or mechanism. “Nimble and quick now … Continue reading Tirlie.
“Sorry we’re no dookin cats nae mair, no even wee baudrons’ – Dave over there’s no in fancy dress – it’s first aid.” Translate: baudrons: affectionate name for a cat, happy cat (re: mimic of the … Continue reading Baudrons.
“Jings, it’s no jist airborne – they can get tae us direct through oor lugs an een – he’ll lauchin an partin wi siller ony minute. Likely even gi’ awa his bankin bonusses anaw.” Translate: lugs, … Continue reading Lugs.
“Aye – he thinks he’s hard noo but we’ll see how hard he is when he’s sittin oan the pan the morrow wi a scoutherin erse.” Translate: scouther, scowder: burn, scorch, singe. Scoutherin: blistering (with rebuke). … Continue reading Scouther.