Scottish Word: Seek.
I’m seek o this regular weekly ritual o ‘pat the lawn o the dragon for tae sleep in peace’ that we’ve done fur longer than we mind o. Noo that I’ve been promoted tae heid o … Continue reading Seek.
I’m seek o this regular weekly ritual o ‘pat the lawn o the dragon for tae sleep in peace’ that we’ve done fur longer than we mind o. Noo that I’ve been promoted tae heid o … Continue reading Seek.
Tirl yer hurdies tae peddle wi fury or we’ll sin be deid reid meat scauddit by yin o them beguessit steam scoots. Ye didni hire a pyntin puggie fer nithin, we ken the weys tae safe … Continue reading Hurdie.
He’s a cuik tae be reckoned wi. Nae blitterie biled farin here. Bruckle scowdered reekin spicy divots tae nip ‘n birsle the mou an mak the een weep is the wye ahn ye need a cast … Continue reading Birsle.
Prof? Div ye no hear me? Ah’m aw a munsie wi my muckle gloves. Nae help ava. So if I wiz yersel I’d bakarties tae me gleg like. Yer aboot tae snib yer anti-grav-whigmaleerie o poust … Continue reading Backarties.
Jings that wiz Sinjin Pithoolwait efter a rabiator oan the back o Sangria and she’s got a bleezin skelter on. She’s losing twigs o birch frae her besom at a feersum rate which micht gar her … Continue reading Skelter.
Them wee peerie folk are all ye get free on the NHS in England noo but they’re why yer faither swallies his medicine. Cos they’re sae peerie he thinks he’s deleerit ahn the medicine isnie real … Continue reading Peerie.
The chiel’s a tumshieheid gomach monoglot o a trow o the warst kind. Burst his pan tap ahn skooshed a biled bilein o rotten neep oer the ceilin. Frae lookin at his browsin history and choice … Continue reading Trow.
Yir leid lid’s nae yis as protection agin the 5G phone masts transmitting Covid 19. Which is paranoid shite onywye. Especially, if’n it wiz true, awbody has tae be opening this wee hatch tae spik te … Continue reading Leid.
I have my pet craw here wha’s hungert. Kin he rake oer yer kirn-field for leavins sickert frae you eatin him? He’s caw’d Erchie an the wee loun unner me’s mha brither caw’d Windy Windlestrae wha … Continue reading Hungert.
Whits aw this stramash steerin up the stour o the tar o the playgroond fur. Whit are ye aw oot o yer boxes fur, Wha stairted it? Hae ye forgotten aw o yer social distancin trainin? … Continue reading Stramash.