Scottish Word: Leid.
Yir leid lid’s nae yis as protection agin the 5G phone masts transmitting Covid 19. Which is paranoid shite onywye. Especially, if’n it wiz true, awbody has tae be opening this wee hatch tae spik te … Continue reading Leid.
Yir leid lid’s nae yis as protection agin the 5G phone masts transmitting Covid 19. Which is paranoid shite onywye. Especially, if’n it wiz true, awbody has tae be opening this wee hatch tae spik te … Continue reading Leid.
He climbed up and gart us aw tae faw oot o a tree we didni need rescuing frae and made me scart mha lug intae the bargain. Look at him noo, aw fixed, the muckle sad … Continue reading Scart.
“Ooooyah! Ah dinni care that yer the sair lug an thoumb pixie an it’s yer job – yer gettin a beltin.” Translate: thoumb: thumb. “Oooooyah! I don’t care if you are the sore ear and thumb … Continue reading Thoumb.
“Can ye direct me tae the lug, neb an thrapple department please? I’ve a sair craig.” Translate: craig: neck. “Can you direct me to the ear nose and throat department please? I’ve a sore neck.” The … Continue reading Craig.