Scottish Word: Stramash.
Whits aw this stramash steerin up the stour o the tar o the playgroond fur. Whit are ye aw oot o yer boxes fur, Wha stairted it? Hae ye forgotten aw o yer social distancin trainin? … Continue reading Stramash.
Whits aw this stramash steerin up the stour o the tar o the playgroond fur. Whit are ye aw oot o yer boxes fur, Wha stairted it? Hae ye forgotten aw o yer social distancin trainin? … Continue reading Stramash.
“This is rare! Cmon let’s awa outside an put the box into the firth an dae it for real.” Translate: firth: estuary, wide inlet of the sea. “This is great fun! Come on let us away … Continue reading Firth.
“Hash oan Jack! Thon muckleboukit beezer’s fair fleein doon the bene-stock.” Translate: muckleboukit: big built. “Speed on Jack and don’t worry about the quality of the work! That big built exceptional person is in exceedingly fast … Continue reading Muckleboukit.