Scottish Word: Peerie.
Them wee peerie folk are all ye get free on the NHS in England noo but they’re why yer faither swallies his medicine. Cos they’re sae peerie he thinks he’s deleerit ahn the medicine isnie real … Continue reading Peerie.
Them wee peerie folk are all ye get free on the NHS in England noo but they’re why yer faither swallies his medicine. Cos they’re sae peerie he thinks he’s deleerit ahn the medicine isnie real … Continue reading Peerie.
“Ahm ah dottled or dreamin? I swear reindeer keep fleein bye an hoverin aboot as if they’re working oot whits shinin oot o oor windae.” Translate: dottle: witless, become crazy or confused, in a state of … Continue reading Dottle.
“Mind yir broo on yon stane lintel.” Translate: lintel: beam across the top of an entrance, threshhold of a door. “Watch your forehead on that there stone beam.” The Scottish Word: lintel with its definition and … Continue reading Lintel.