Scottish Word: Backarties.
Prof? Div ye no hear me? Ah’m aw a munsie wi my muckle gloves. Nae help ava. So if I wiz yersel I’d bakarties tae me gleg like. Yer aboot tae snib yer anti-grav-whigmaleerie o poust … Continue reading Backarties.
Prof? Div ye no hear me? Ah’m aw a munsie wi my muckle gloves. Nae help ava. So if I wiz yersel I’d bakarties tae me gleg like. Yer aboot tae snib yer anti-grav-whigmaleerie o poust … Continue reading Backarties.
“Ah wiz jist daffin. Nae hairm meant. They’re for luck – ye ken.” Translate: daffin: fun, merry behaviour. “I was just fooling around. No harm meant. They are for luck – you know, that belief about … Continue reading Daffin.
“Aw his joukin aboot wis a waste o space.” Translate: jouk: duck, dodge, avoid. “All his ducking and dodging about was without value and lacking in worth.” The Scottish Word: jouk with its definition and its … Continue reading Jouk.