Scottish Word: Tosh.
Yir wrang! if ye kin hear me oer the din. A two stroke ingine jined tae a generator tae chairge yer batteries tae drive yer electric motors isni the tosh environmental reddit ye think it is … Continue reading Tosh.
Yir wrang! if ye kin hear me oer the din. A two stroke ingine jined tae a generator tae chairge yer batteries tae drive yer electric motors isni the tosh environmental reddit ye think it is … Continue reading Tosh.
Tirl yer hurdies tae peddle wi fury or we’ll sin be deid reid meat scauddit by yin o them beguessit steam scoots. Ye didni hire a pyntin puggie fer nithin, we ken the weys tae safe … Continue reading Hurdie.
“Aye she fairly wheechs roon the park on yon trike.” Translate: wheech, wheich: speed through the air, rush. “Yes she rather moves at speed around the park on that tricycle she is on over there.” The … Continue reading Wheech.