Scottish Word: Hungert.
I have my pet craw here wha’s hungert. Kin he rake oer yer kirn-field for leavins sickert frae you eatin him? He’s caw’d Erchie an the wee loun unner me’s mha brither caw’d Windy Windlestrae wha … Continue reading Hungert.
I have my pet craw here wha’s hungert. Kin he rake oer yer kirn-field for leavins sickert frae you eatin him? He’s caw’d Erchie an the wee loun unner me’s mha brither caw’d Windy Windlestrae wha … Continue reading Hungert.
‘Dinni fash yersell, he’s an olympic zero, he’ll be gey lucky tae hit the tattie-bogle, never mind us.’ Translate: tattie-bogle: scarecrow. ‘Don’t worry he’ll be very lucky to even hit the scarecrow, never mind us.’ The … Continue reading Tattie-bogle.