Scottish Word: Leid.
Yir leid lid’s nae yis as protection agin the 5G phone masts transmitting Covid 19. Which is paranoid shite onywye. Especially, if’n it wiz true, awbody has tae be opening this wee hatch tae spik te … Continue reading Leid.
Yir leid lid’s nae yis as protection agin the 5G phone masts transmitting Covid 19. Which is paranoid shite onywye. Especially, if’n it wiz true, awbody has tae be opening this wee hatch tae spik te … Continue reading Leid.
Aye. Nithin like a ferdy hail-skinnt jogger tae kittle oor covid test midgies intae action. We’ll gie them an oor or twa runnin roond, if the loun can staun it, afore we test him tae see … Continue reading Kittle.
Ah’m awfie sorry mha queeriosity goat the better o me and ah hud tae tak a gander. I hud tae see whit it wuz that aw they folk doon the road were comin up tae ye … Continue reading Queesitive.
Weel done lankie airmed man. Yiv saved me frae a robbin an gien the badjin a crookit nebbit. Mairie me – ah’ll sing yer sang. “The lankie airm man’s no a snarkie deil man, he’s a … Continue reading Lankie.
Ah kent ah wiz ill-hung-thegither but this is takin the piss. Hoo’d ye jine a puggie’s haun that size tae sic a muckle airm like mine an get it tae work? It IS a puggie’s haun, … Continue reading Ill-hung-thegither.
“He’s no the actual gyper either so gies all yir sweeties an siller or I’ll lowse ‘im on ye.” Translate: gyper: joker. “He is not the actual joker either so give us all your sweets and … Continue reading Gyper.
“Yir nithin but an athegither kithan an ye dress like een anaw.” Translate: kithan: rascal, blackguard, a tricky person. “You are nothing but a complete blackguard and you dress like one as well.” The Scottish Word: … Continue reading Kithan.
“Ye shouldni hae cam oot guisin wi sic a bad cauld, yir likely tae mak it waur.” Translate: waur: worse. “You should not have come out guising with such a bad cold, you will likely make … Continue reading Waur.
“Hae mercy ah’ve nocht bit a puckle bawbees in ma spung.” Translate: spung: a purse or money pouch, usually with a spring clasp. “Have mercy on me, I have nothing but a small amount of poor … Continue reading Spung.
“Gleg? He’s flinty o fit an as shairp as a kilmaurs whittle.” Translate: gleg: quick, speedy. “Speedy? For his age he’s fast of foot and as quick witted.” fast. The Scottish Word: gleg with its definition … Continue reading Gleg.