Scottish Word: Maister.
Ah’m a craw an canni sing so the maister steam-smith made me this furlie so I can mak my ain music. He loves craws. Ah keep the fire stoked and the steam organ toots awa played … Continue reading Maister.
Ah’m a craw an canni sing so the maister steam-smith made me this furlie so I can mak my ain music. He loves craws. Ah keep the fire stoked and the steam organ toots awa played … Continue reading Maister.
Ah’m affy chancy ye ken tae have a musician perched oan the nok. He can sing anaw. Naebuddy I Ken’s sae chancy as me tae say they hae a craw’s nest wi a craw, braw singer … Continue reading Chancy.
Consider yersel telt. Yer no using my coo tae play fitba wi heids. I dinni care that it saftens them up fur ye and shoogles oot the een. Dae the wark yersel. A heid as a … Continue reading Fitba.
See yon fuff owerbye – nae doot we’ll hear the bang in a meenit. Translate: fuff: puff of smoke Do you see that puff of smoke just over there – I have no doubt we’ll hear … Continue reading Fuff.
Yer no hairse in the least. Yer scroban soonds fine tae me, yer lighs are clear, an so’s yer thrapple. Ye’ll jist hae tae face facts an admit that yiv got a boukit craw’s heid insteid … Continue reading Hairse.
I have my pet craw here wha’s hungert. Kin he rake oer yer kirn-field for leavins sickert frae you eatin him? He’s caw’d Erchie an the wee loun unner me’s mha brither caw’d Windy Windlestrae wha … Continue reading Hungert.
I’m prood tae hae selt massel tae dottal dotards fur a sixpence and will serve their crooked administration tae ma fu sneddum. And I will be certain tae gi aw mice the mell they sair deserve. … Continue reading Sicker.
Noo Jill. Dinni hing aboot doon there lookin for yer grannie’s auld gowd thimble. The forecast sez there’s a muckle plowt o rain due an it’ll no be safe doon there. Translate: plowt: a heavy downpour … Continue reading Plowt.
“Aye weel Janus it’s thon time o year again.” Translate: thon: indicating something more remote from a person than another or others. “Yes indeed Janus it is that time of year again.” The Scottish Word: thon … Continue reading Thon.
“He’s seen Dumbo yince ower often.” Translate: yince: once. “He’s seen Dumbo once too often.” The Scottish Word: yince with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in context in the … Continue reading Yince.