Scottish Word: Backarties.
Prof? Div ye no hear me? Ah’m aw a munsie wi my muckle gloves. Nae help ava. So if I wiz yersel I’d bakarties tae me gleg like. Yer aboot tae snib yer anti-grav-whigmaleerie o poust … Continue reading Backarties.
Prof? Div ye no hear me? Ah’m aw a munsie wi my muckle gloves. Nae help ava. So if I wiz yersel I’d bakarties tae me gleg like. Yer aboot tae snib yer anti-grav-whigmaleerie o poust … Continue reading Backarties.
Pou awa, pou awa tae save oor kin. One mair pou an we’ll pit an end tae thon raucle-handed ill-muggent reid heided hedge cutter. Once he’s fusionless, he’s mince. Translate: Ill-muggent: malicious. Pull hard, pull hard … Continue reading Ill-muggent.
“Pouin thon rackle’s mair like tae sink us than empty the room dae ye no think?” Translate: rackle: a chain, small chain on a pipe stem attaching the lid and a pin for cleanin it out, … Continue reading Rackle.
“Ah warned ye tae shut yer geggie.” Translate: geggie: mouth (not used in polite conversation). “I did warn you to shut your mouth.” The Scottish Word: geggie with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned … Continue reading Geggie.