Ah jist canni get yuised tae the Sheriff dressin up as a sheriff. It disni suit him an forbye the Chief Constable disni like him huvin live ammunition. Translate: sheriff: a judicial office holder and a … Continue reading Sheriff. →
Scottish Word: Tash.

“I’ll just tash my irons roond ma hurdies and we’re awa.” Translate: tash:to buckle, clasp. “I’ll just buckle my six guns around my hips and we’re away.” The Scottish Word: tash with its definition and its … Continue reading Tash. →

“Aye yer fine sheriff, I can see that the bullet wheecht straucht through.” Translate: straicht, straucht: straight. “Don’t worry you are fine sheriff, I can see that the bullet moved speedily straight through.” strɑxt The Scottish … Continue reading Straucht. →
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