Scottish Word: Tuim.
his heid’s as tuim as we thoucht, ah can see the daylicht glintin aff yer ee Prof. Yet he’s got the hauns o an ertist ahn the nieves o a fechter. So dae we pit him … Continue reading Tuim.
his heid’s as tuim as we thoucht, ah can see the daylicht glintin aff yer ee Prof. Yet he’s got the hauns o an ertist ahn the nieves o a fechter. So dae we pit him … Continue reading Tuim.
The loun loves tae see the Hogmanay in wi his vegan slug juice. But the fasherie thon stuff brings isnae real. The slugs robbed o their usual fare tae mak it are eatin oor food noo. … Continue reading Fasherie.
Wee cawed them the Rob Sorby’s cos they yuised shairp impliments like saws, n chissels, n aixes o steel what made them tae be feared. Hail wids o oor kin, the size o a shire, wid … Continue reading Rob Sorby.
The grochlin ‘n gobbin as he creeps aboot the tunnels aye gies plenty o warnin Gollum’s aboot. Guid job he disni ken we kin climb up oot o the watter tae hide amongst the stalactites, cracks … Continue reading Grochle.
Weel min, ye should ken that whaur there’s yin o these craiters then syne there’ll a dizzen or mair. It’s weel kent hereaboots. Ah’d skoosh back tae yer submersible double quick if I wiz you. We’re … Continue reading Dizzen.
Weel coo, it seems it’s jist you ahn me fur the guising. Mind you there could be oniebody oot here in this mirk for aw the licht this tumshie lantern’s giein us. Translate: tumshie: turnip, a … Continue reading Tumshie.
So we haik aboot here looking like a big gowden sakeless jessie in the hope the alien craiters o this wattery warld’ll turn up? In the vain hope we dinni fleg yin when it does turn … Continue reading Haik.
I’ve goan ahn volunteered for the green-hoose re-pottin night-shift cause it’s usually restful. An noo ah’ve got the mither o aw fykie mithers eyeballin me through the glaiss yagimentin at my potting on o her wee … Continue reading Fyke.
Ah’ve gruppit an snippit the tip aff o yin o the spirlie spruts frae the unco linear row o spruts yiv observed doon here. It’ll be in the sample poke in a jiffie and I’ll be … Continue reading Sprut.
“Ah’m tellin ye Tabatha, Hoolet’s shern free erse is nae indication that yer due a dryte ony time soon for yer compost.” Translate: dryte, drite, drait: defecate, poop, excrement. “I am telling you Tabatha, Owl’s nice … Continue reading Dryte.