Scottish Word: Ben.
Awa ben the hoose a start on yer homework, yer skoosh is on the table unner the monitor. I’ll bring through yer tea when it’s ready. It’s yer favourite. Chook an chips. Translate: ben: inside, indoors, … Continue reading Ben.
Awa ben the hoose a start on yer homework, yer skoosh is on the table unner the monitor. I’ll bring through yer tea when it’s ready. It’s yer favourite. Chook an chips. Translate: ben: inside, indoors, … Continue reading Ben.
“Yiv an awfy lot o foam on yer swats the-nicht.” Translate: swats: newly brewed weak beer. “You have a shocking amount of foam on your new brew tonight.” The Scottish Word: swats with its definition and … Continue reading Swats.
“An dae ye come here afen?” Translate: afen: often. “And do you come here often?” The Scottish Word: afen with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in context in the … Continue reading Afen.
“Some hae meat an canna eat, some wad eat but want it, but wi hae meat, an we can eat, sae let the Lord be thankit.” Translate: meat: food, nourishment, a meal. “Some have food but … Continue reading Meat.
“Licht the licht while yer at it.” Translate: licht: light. “Light the light since you are lighting your pipe already please.” The Scottish Word: licht with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the … Continue reading Licht.
“Yir skoosh is doon the cundie fur it’s bad fur yir teeth. Ah’ll gie ye milk.” Translate: cundie: road drain. “The reason your fizzy sugary drink is going down the drain is because it is bad … Continue reading Cundie.
“You could caw us bampots for drinkin an smokin so much at oor age – but the fags are herbal, if ye ken whit I mean, an the whisky’s organic. ” Translate: bampot: foolish person, idiot. … Continue reading Bampot.