Scottish Word: Gemm.
“Crivens, this’s the first time ah’ve ivver seen a ginge ahead o the gemm.” Translate: gemm, gem, gam: game. “My goodness this is the first time I have ever seen a red haired person ahead of … Continue reading Gemm.
“Crivens, this’s the first time ah’ve ivver seen a ginge ahead o the gemm.” Translate: gemm, gem, gam: game. “My goodness this is the first time I have ever seen a red haired person ahead of … Continue reading Gemm.
“As you’re a weel kent Aye Write Festival critic you could say that ma pop up buik fairly caught yir eye – positive spin so to speak.” Translate: buik: book. “As you are a well known … Continue reading Buik.
“Hey son, gies a donation an I’ll tell ye if oor hairs dyed or no.” Translate: gies: give us. “Excuse me sir, give us a donation and I will tell you if our hair has been … Continue reading Gies.
“Huv a boggle at this, it’s a fower luggit case an bonnie wi it too.” Translate: lug: handle. “Have a good look at this, it has a case with four handles and is good looking with … Continue reading Lug.
“Ah think this jersey’s a wee bit nippit” Translate: nippit: tight, too small. “I think this jersey is a little too tight.” The Scottish Word: nippit with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with … Continue reading Nippit.