Scottish Word: Streek.
“Tch! Hoo ist wi-oot fail the baith salts I’m efter gar me streek iviry time?” Translate: streek; streik: stretch, reach out. “Tch! Why is it that It seems to be a constant that the bath salts … Continue reading Streek.
“Tch! Hoo ist wi-oot fail the baith salts I’m efter gar me streek iviry time?” Translate: streek; streik: stretch, reach out. “Tch! Why is it that It seems to be a constant that the bath salts … Continue reading Streek.
“It’s bad enough giving away your ambush position but the guff fae yer pump’s so bad it nearly maks me wish I wuz indeed deid. ” Translate: guff: stench, bad smell. “It is bad enough giving … Continue reading Guff.
“…The neeps and tatties and mushy peas, stert workin like a gentle breeze, but soon the puddin wi the sonsie face, will hae ye blawin aw ower the place…” Translate: sonsie: substantial, impressive, handsome, big. “…The … Continue reading Sonsie.
“Urrrrrrrrrrrrr . . . . Van Helsing – you’re bowfin man.” Translate: bowf: to smell offensively. The Scottish Word: bowf with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in context in … Continue reading Bowf.