“C’mon Erchie yir only one pou frae the sweir-erse’ campioun o Europe!” Translate: sweir-erse: reluctant backside – a game where two players sit on the ground gripping a stick between them and to win have to … Continue reading Sweir-erse. →
Scottish Word: Sonsie.

“…The neeps and tatties and mushy peas, stert workin like a gentle breeze, but soon the puddin wi the sonsie face, will hae ye blawin aw ower the place…” Translate: sonsie: substantial, impressive, handsome, big. “…The … Continue reading Sonsie. →
bar, barmaid, beer, crowd, cue, food, glasses, haggis, nose, pool, pub, smell, turnip 
“Whits the kilfuddoch?” Translate: kilfuddoch: a meeting and discussion. “Why are you all having a meeting and discussion?” The Scottish Word: killfuddoch with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in … Continue reading Kilfuddoch. →
Scottish Word: Scash.

“It’s a scash oer awthin n nothin as usual.” Translate: scash: squabble. “It’s a squabble over everything and nothing as usual.” The Scottish Word: scash with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the … Continue reading Scash. →