Scottish Words tagged with: guns - 10 posts.

Holmes on the moor in thick mist with the Baskerville hound riddled with lead and feeble cries from the quicksand.

Scottish Word: Gullion.

Holmes on the moor in thick mist with the Baskerville hound riddled with lead and feeble cries from the quicksand.

“I’m a bit deaved wi all the gunplay Watson. Can you hear onythin? Along the lines o ‘…sinking in a bottomless gullion…’, ‘help help’ an sic like?” Translate: gullion: deep pool of mud, a quagmire, marsh. … Continue reading Gullion.

Doc shining lamplight through the bullet hole onto the wall to ascertain no fragments remain of the bullet or bone.

Scottish Word: Straucht.

Doc shining lamplight through the bullet hole onto the wall to ascertain no fragments remain of the bullet or bone.

“Aye yer fine sheriff, I can see that the bullet wheiched strauched through.” Translate: wheech: move sharply at speed, whip through the air with a whizzing sound. “Don’t worry you are fine sheriff, I can see … Continue reading Straucht.