Corbie’s lauchin fou at us ma trusty tree.
Who’d huv believed him that Santa wis jist in a month long deep sleep cos o his hard nights work – no deid ataw.
He warned us no tae bury him.
So noo he lauchs ‘n lauchs knowing Santa’ll throw us aff his presents’ list for at least three years. Once he digs himsel oot.
lauch: laugh.
Raven’s laughing full at us my trusty tree.
Who’d have believed him that Santa was just in a month long deep sleep because of his hard nights work – not dead at all.
He warned us not to bury him.
So now he laughs and laughs knowing Santa’ll throw us off his presents’ list for at least three years. Once he digs himself out.
The Scottish Word: lauch with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in context in the Scots language and in English.