Scottish Word: Luik.
Tak a guid luik. If’n ye can see it. Ye dinni see them affen cos humans are aye luikin tae kill them. Because they think they’re dangerous since they’re gigantic, silent, strang an nearly invisible in … Continue reading Luik.
Tak a guid luik. If’n ye can see it. Ye dinni see them affen cos humans are aye luikin tae kill them. Because they think they’re dangerous since they’re gigantic, silent, strang an nearly invisible in … Continue reading Luik.
Yin o yer feersum ingines is blawin sparks ahn leavin a trail like it’s a firework. Ahn ma wee green pal hingin oan here, who happens tae be an ingineer, is tellin me what’s likely if … Continue reading Ingine.
Its conflummixation might be mair basic than you skiddlin yer fingers oer much. Signing as a means o communication is soond but you’ve goat five digits and it’s got three. Translate: conflummix: confuse, bewilder. Its bewilderment … Continue reading Conflummix.
Pou awa, pou awa tae save oor kin. One mair pou an we’ll pit an end tae thon raucle-handed ill-muggent reid heided hedge cutter. Once he’s fusionless, he’s mince. Translate: Ill-muggent: malicious. Pull hard, pull hard … Continue reading Ill-muggent.
Get yer carcass in here gleg like so we dinni skaith the lawn here totally. Are you the ingineer tae fix this vessel so we can gang aboot this mawin backwarts? Can you can turn this … Continue reading Skaith.
Look you’re seek an ahm seek o hingin aboot in this scunneration o a shady jungle. So lets swing o-er tae whaur there’s a bare hirsty humple an beek in the sun fur a change. Ah … Continue reading Beek.
I’ve goan ahn volunteered for the green-hoose re-pottin night-shift cause it’s usually restful. An noo ah’ve got the mither o aw fykie mithers eyeballin me through the glaiss yagimentin at my potting on o her wee … Continue reading Fyke.
Keepin yer neb in the girse disni, an winni, help yer hey fever. Translate: girse: grass, a meadow. Keeping your nose in the grass does not, and will not, help your hay fever. grɪs The Scottish … Continue reading Girse.
“I’m sick o humphin his muckle bouk frae rink tae rink an side tae side. If he’s no willin tae tak his dunts n dings like a man he’ll never learn. Let him fa.” Translate: bouk: … Continue reading Bouk.
“Tak that ye gralloch ye.” Translate: gralloch: the disembowelling of a deer, disembowel. “Take that! You cleaner of carcasses you.” ˡgraləx The Scottish Word: gralloch with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the … Continue reading Gralloch.