Scottish Word: Timmer.
“An here’s the falset jotters tae prove tae them wha want tae ken that the timmer cam frae a manished susteenable rainforest.” Translate: timmer: timber. “And here is the forged paperwork that will make believe those … Continue reading Timmer. →
ape, chainsaw, dead, envelope, environment, helicopter, jungle, orangutan, tree, trees, tropical, wood Scottish Word: Scash.
“It’s a scash oer awthin n nothin as usual.” Translate: scash: squabble. “It’s a squabble over everything and nothing as usual.” The Scottish Word: scash with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the … Continue reading Scash. →
Scottish Word: Coo.
Ah’m scrievin doon here that yir throw’s void cos yir coo’s deid. (Coo hurlin’s no an Olympic Gemm nor a Hieland Gemm event, nivir was, and nivir will be). Translate: coo: cow. I’m noting down that … Continue reading Coo. →