Stoap yer kittlin Tarzan Jock. Ye ken ahm kittlie. Yer no fechtin fair. Translate: kittlie: ticklish, susceptible to tickling. Stop your tickling Tarzan Jock. You know that I am ticklish. You are not fighting fair. ′kɪtlɪ … Continue reading Kittlie. →
Scottish Word: Tuith.

“There ye go Tarkus, nae mair tuith pain jist a bit o ah sair heid fur a wee while.” Translate: tuith: tooth. “There you go Tarkus, no more tooth pain, just a slight sore head for … Continue reading Tuith. →
Scottish Word: Muckle.

“Nae worries pal. Whether muckle or wee me an Prince Fearless here will tak care o a’ the raptors.” Translate: muckle: big. “No problem dear new acquaintance. Whether large or small, myself and Prince Fearless here … Continue reading Muckle. →
Scottish Word: Tottie.

“Go oan, a tottie bit’ll nae dae ye oanie herm.” Translate: tottie: tiny, small. “Go on, a tiny bit will not do you any harm.” The Scottish Word: tottie with its definition and its meaning illustrated … Continue reading Tottie. →
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