Scottish Word: Deuk.
“The minute ye let go o yer wee rubber deuk yer classed as aboot tae droon. Then the arbiters o the race, there an then, haul ye oot o the water an that’s the end o … Continue reading Deuk.
“The minute ye let go o yer wee rubber deuk yer classed as aboot tae droon. Then the arbiters o the race, there an then, haul ye oot o the water an that’s the end o … Continue reading Deuk.
“I’m awfie sairie sir, the sunblocks are gey shilpit an consequently it’s takin ages tae rub enough on.” Translate: shilpit: thin, insipid, puny. “I am so very sorry sir, the sunblocks are rather thin and and … Continue reading Shilpit.
“Tak us doon tae the lurgy deeps an oor denner ma trusty steed an hunter.” Translate: denner, dennar: dinner, dine. “Take us down to the infested deeps and get us some food, my trusty steed and … Continue reading Denner.
“Gies a gowp o grub ah’m stervin.” Translate: gaup, gawp, gowp: large mouthful, to swallow big. “Have you a decent mouthful of food for me, I’m starving.” The Scottish Word: gowp with its definition and its … Continue reading Gowp.
“It wisni me.” Translate: wisni: was not. “It was not I.” The Scottish Word: wisni with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in context in the Scots language and in … Continue reading Wisni.
“Is it no jist magic hoo the moonlicht flichters an glisks ower the watter?” Translate: flichter: flicker. “Isn’t it just wonderful how the moonlight flickers and glints over the water?” adrift. Posted for IF on the … Continue reading Flichter.
“Ah see ye went in wi a bit o a sploosh.” Translate: sploosh: a messy splash. “I see that you went in with rather a splash of distinction.” The Scottish Word: sploosh with its definition and … Continue reading Sploosh.
“Aye Senga, ah luve yer dookers!” Translate: dookers: swimming costume; Yes indeed Senga, I love your swimming costume. you wear dookers to go for a dook. The Scottish Word: dookers with its definition and its meaning … Continue reading Dookers.