Scottish Word: Denner.
“Tak us doon tae the lurgy deeps an oor denner ma trusty steed an hunter.” Translate: denner, dennar: dinner, dine. “Take us down to the infested deeps and get us some food, my trusty steed and … Continue reading Denner.
“Tak us doon tae the lurgy deeps an oor denner ma trusty steed an hunter.” Translate: denner, dennar: dinner, dine. “Take us down to the infested deeps and get us some food, my trusty steed and … Continue reading Denner.
“That’s a sicht ah nivir, ivir, want tae see again.” Translate: sicht: sight. “That is a sight I never, ever, want to see again.” sight. The Scottish Word: sicht with its definition and its meaning illustrated … Continue reading Sicht.
“Aye Senga, it’s right skitie the-nicht richt enough.” Translate: skitie: slippery. “Indeed Senga, it is exceedingly slippery tonight without a doubt.” The Scottish Word: skitie with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the … Continue reading Skitie.