Scottish Word: Saut-backet.
Darling Edgar, widden dish o mine, the saut-backet has a gun an means tae shoot ye. He’s the saucy nurses’ sweetheart an kens ye gie’d her the heave fur me an sweet pea. He means tae … Continue reading Saut-backet.
Darling Edgar, widden dish o mine, the saut-backet has a gun an means tae shoot ye. He’s the saucy nurses’ sweetheart an kens ye gie’d her the heave fur me an sweet pea. He means tae … Continue reading Saut-backet.
Hoi MacMillan, Yer whidderin doon the brae at a fair lick. Ye could whidder aboot the glens the rest o the year inaw if ye fitted a wee wheelie tae the front o yir whigmaleerie instead … Continue reading Whidder.
“An here’s the falset jotters tae prove tae them wha want tae ken that the timmer cam frae a manished susteenable rainforest.” Translate: timmer: timber. “And here is the forged paperwork that will make believe those … Continue reading Timmer.
“Crivens! whaur huv they skinnymalinkies come frae an what have they done tae oor weel tended permaculture? Thon lan’s wershet noo.” Translate: skinnymalink: thin person, bones and skin only. “My goodness! Where have all these dreadfully … Continue reading Skinnymalink.
“Any more of your bad behaviour an I’m takin this widdie tae yer backside.” Translate: widdie:a twig or wand of tough but flexible wood. “Any more of your bad behaviour and I am going to take … Continue reading Widdie.
“We’ve got the teeth in common – could ye no see me goin intae widdland management – same as you – on a sma scale like.” Translate: widd: wood. “We have got the teeth in common … Continue reading Widd.
“It’s gettin richt ticht in here, time tae thin them oot.” Translate: ticht: tight. “It is getting rather tightly spaced in here, time to thin them out.” The Scottish Word: ticht with its definition and its … Continue reading Ticht.
“Mahn- yiv a right wirrok like neb! ” Translate: wirrok: gnarled knot in wood, the place where a branch once grew, corn, bunion. “Sir- you’ve a nose rather like a bunion!” The Scottish Word: wirrock with … Continue reading Wirrock.