He’s blawin an bleezin like there’s nae-the-morra. Keep drappin the white goods oan his napper afore he brings the hail hoose doon. Jist like he did wi youz twa’s ricklie biggit examples. Dinni miss noo! Dunt … Continue reading Bleezin. →

Kin ah intereest ye tae step oot and sample a wee galshach frae mha box, Mr Gust the Gab? if I may be permitted tae give you sic an honorific title that my kin bestows upon … Continue reading Gust the Gab. →
Scottish Word: Beek.

Look you’re seek an ahm seek o hingin aboot in this scunneration o a shady jungle. So lets swing o-er tae whaur there’s a bare hirsty humple an beek in the sun fur a change. Ah … Continue reading Beek. →
Scottish Word: Mogert.

“An syne the wolf wis mogert up.” Translate: mogert: rendered useless, messed up, botched. “And directly afterwards the wolf was set upon and rendered totally incapable of causing any harm from then on.” The Scottish Word: … Continue reading Mogert. →
audience, children, hair, man, rug, stories, story, teeth, toys, werewolf, wolf Scottish Word: Nicht.

“It’s a braw bricht moonlicht nicht. C’mon whit dae ye say?” Translate: nicht: night. “It is a wonderfully bright moonlit night. Come along, what do you say (are you agreeable)?” The Scottish Word: nicht with its … Continue reading Nicht. →
Scottish Word: Yowp.

“Yir wowff an yaff’s nae bad, let’s hear yir youp.” Translate: youp: howling, wailing. “Your modulated bark and yelp are acceptable, now let us hear your howl” The Scottish Word: yowp with its definition and its … Continue reading Yowp. →