Scottish Word: Timmer.
“An here’s the falset jotters tae prove tae them wha want tae ken that the timmer cam frae a manished susteenable rainforest.” Translate: timmer: timber. “And here is the forged paperwork that will make believe those … Continue reading Timmer. →
ape, chainsaw, dead, envelope, environment, helicopter, jungle, orangutan, tree, trees, tropical, wood Scottish Word: Heid.
“Yon Capercaillie’s totally lost the heid.” Translate: heid: head. “That Capercaillie there has totally lost any sense it had in its fit of fury.” Climb: apologies to all for it being a drawing I did so … Continue reading Heid. →
“Watch yirsel on thon boorach o sneddins there’s a muckle hole unnerit.” Translate: sneddins: collection of cut off branches. sned: to trim off side branches of a felled tree. snedded: that which has been pruned. “Watch … Continue reading Sneddin, sneddins. →
branch, branches, chainsaw, fall, first aid, flask, forest, hole, injury, saw, work