Male and female sitting at a meagre camp fire in a parched savanna fringed with jungle with long necked dinosaurs wading in the greenery, heads lit by the sunset with a meteor above descending from the heavens.
The Scottish Word:

Iver, Ivver.

Dae ye ivir think us humans will ever come guid in the future wi death by dinosaur roond ivvery corner in this present age?


ivir, ivver: ever.

Do you ever think us humans will ever prosper in the future with death by dinosaur round every corner in this present age?

The Scottish Word: ivir with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in context in the Scots language and in English.

Ravaged Planet.

We weren’t around to ponder thoughts like that when dinosaurs were alive. But we’re pondering it now with our planet as ravaged as it is today.

And if you don’t think the planet is ravaged. Look again.

I’m old and lived  long enough to see for myself how pitifully few birds, animals, flowers and insects are about nowadays compared to my youth.

The scientists confirm it. See this beautifully illustrated Reuters report on the decline of insects published in 2022 as an example.

Screenshot of insects on a white background with the title 'The Collapse of Insects' designed by Reuters.
The most diverse group of organisms on the planet are in trouble, with recent research suggesting insect populations are declining at an alarming rate (2022).

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