Scottish Word: Dear.

“Aye Aye Aye so ye thoucht moudieskin scrievin buiks cam wi-oot consequence an that woolly jumpers were adequate recompense did ye? The dootfu cottage industry we deny in oor pursuit o ert! Nae wonder they’re sae … Continue reading Dear. →
animals, cold, knitting, mole, moles, moleskin, needles, nude, skin, stitches, wool 
“Jings yer pulse is fairly fleein, but ah’m no a real nurse ye ken. I wiz jist bikin bye on the way tae a fancy dress foy when ye suddenly stammled intae the leerie stoup – … Continue reading Stammle. →
bicycle, bosom, breasts, crash, girl, grandad, moustache, pedestrian, reflector, road, shock, skin, wheel Scottish Word: Denner.

“Tak us doon tae the lurgy deeps an oor denner ma trusty steed an hunter.” Translate: denner, dennar: dinner, dine. “Take us down to the infested deeps and get us some food, my trusty steed and … Continue reading Denner. →
girl, glider, jungle, lizard, lunch, monster, mud, nude, plants, pool, skin, swim, tropical, water 
“Hud still while I slather this on otherwise ye’ll burn in the sun.” Translate: slather: slobber a lot on, smear. “Hold still while I sloppily slap this on in quantity – otherwise you will burn in … Continue reading Slather. →
Scottish Word: Bonny.

“Aye… they’re bonny enough, we’ve done well for oor first litter.” Translate: bonny, bonnie: beautiful, handsome. “Yes you are right they are handsome enough, we’ve done well for our first litter.” Impossibility – very likely this … Continue reading Bonny. →
Scottish Word: Claes.

“Hoo come in this age of sword and sorcery all you quines get mair claes than us loons?” Translate: claes: clothes. “How come in this age of sword and sorcery all you women get more clothes … Continue reading Claes. →
Scottish Word: Micht.

“Ah micht… then again ah micht no.” Translate: micht: might, may. “I might… then again I might not.” The Scottish Word: micht with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in … Continue reading Micht. →
Scottish Word: Creish.

“Hey man ye should straik yir barnet wi this skoosh, it’s nae sae creishy like ahn winni clag yer kame.” Translate: creish: grease. “Hey man you should comb up your hair using this aerosol, it is … Continue reading Creish. →
Scottish Word: Plook.

“Aye, yir bonnie, aside frae the plook on the neb.” Translate: plook: pimple. “Yes, you are beautiful, apart from the pimple on your nose.” The Scottish Word: plook with its definition and its meaning illustrated and … Continue reading Plook. →
Scottish Word: Breeks.

‘Them’s no pants them’s breeks!’ Translate: breeks: trousers. ‘These are not pants these are trousers!’ Red Nose Day. Say ‘Pants to Poverty’ Make a donation to Comic Relief – here! The Scottish Word: breeks with its … Continue reading Breeks. →
fancy dress, fashion, girl, girls, group, legs, pants, skin, spots, stockings, trousers