Scottish Word: Coof.
Them neeps, once neeps like us, coofs noo, are o the opinion that tumshies an baigies are unworthy o neep hood an want us aw deid. So hud the line an mak yer shots count – … Continue reading Coof.
Them neeps, once neeps like us, coofs noo, are o the opinion that tumshies an baigies are unworthy o neep hood an want us aw deid. So hud the line an mak yer shots count – … Continue reading Coof.
That’s the benefit o sniffer snakes oer yer bludhoons, ye dinni need tae kert aroond heavy manacles. Ye jist fling the snake at yer miscreant ahn it taigles him up an it diz aw the restraining … Continue reading Rinagate.
Them vicars are o the taum efter the scrimpit amoont whit landed oan the collection plate yesterday oan tap o the general puir kirk attendance. Then being gien the task tae keep them pair refugees frae … Continue reading Taum.
Weel Ladies this is oor battle-air-ship but dinni be fooled – the airmour’s paper thin tae keep her licht eneuch so’s the aerium gas in her bladders’ll lift her quick so’s we kin rocket awa gleg … Continue reading Licht.
Thon Rab Ha o a dug disni ken what ‘his maister’s thee-bane an callour fingered speciality o the day‘ means. Nor what oor speciality meat wi a bane denner we made for him will cost him … Continue reading Callour.
‘Dinni fash yersell, he’s an olympic zero, he’ll be gey lucky tae hit the tattie-bogle, never mind us.’ Translate: tattie-bogle: scarecrow. ‘Don’t worry he’ll be very lucky to even hit the scarecrow, never mind us.’ The … Continue reading Tattie-bogle.