Scottish Word: Dizzen.
Weel min, ye should ken that whaur there’s yin o these craiters then syne there’ll a dizzen or mair. It’s weel kent hereaboots. Ah’d skoosh back tae yer submersible double quick if I wiz you. We’re … Continue reading Dizzen.
Weel min, ye should ken that whaur there’s yin o these craiters then syne there’ll a dizzen or mair. It’s weel kent hereaboots. Ah’d skoosh back tae yer submersible double quick if I wiz you. We’re … Continue reading Dizzen.
“Wha pented the cannon baws like that! Ah’ll go ballistic if onythin like that maks it tae the final edit – it’s nae funny.” Translate: ba, baw: ball. “Who painted the cannon balls like that. I … Continue reading Baw.
“Oh! Ma hairt’s aw a whiltie-whaltie cause I ken yer aboot tae whillywha me intae ma closeup.” Translate: whillywha: wheedle, coax, cajole. “Oh! My heart is all a pitter patter because I know you are about … Continue reading Whillywha.
“Ye shouldni lie wi a Russian shot putter if’n ye snagger an snork aw nicht.” Translate: snagger: snore harshly. “You should not go to bed with a Russian shot putter if you harshly snore and snort … Continue reading Snagger.
“Aye . . !” Translate: aye…: evenin’ all “Evenin all.” Perhaps only applies to those ancient enough to remember Dickson of Dock Green. A UK TV police drama in the 60s. The Scottish Word: aye [No … Continue reading Aye No.5