Yiv been warned Senga. Noo get yersel tae the gym ah’n work-oot or yir drapped frae the armed fairy flying squad. Ye’ll end up grunded permanently ah’n that’s nae life fur a war fairy. Translate: grunded, … Continue reading Grunded. →
Scottish Word: Faw.
Sorry pal ah dinni want tae be fykerie. But yer no actually fleein – yir in free fa. Ahn you are fa’n fast cos ahm having tae flee doonwards like buggery tae keep up. Dinni worry … Continue reading Faw. →
Scottish Word: Crotly.
“We huv tae caw canny, the signal frae the doomed flicht wis crotly an this, the best an absolutely last crittel frae their final signal, means nothin, even tae oor brawest brains.” Translate: crotly: fragmentary, crumbly. … Continue reading Crotly. →
Scottish Word: Gaein.
“Whaur ist we’re gaein agin?” Translate: gaein: going. “Where is it we are going again?” The Scottish Word: gaein with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in context in the … Continue reading Gaein. →
Scottish Word: Liftit.
“Noooooo ya muckle earn ye’ve liftit my iPod with the only copy ah huv o my personal bootleg o Hotel California.” Translate: lifted: stolen, taken away, arrested. “Nooooooo ya big eagle you’ve taken away my iPod … Continue reading Liftit. →
Scottish Word: Sey.
“He thinks he’s the yin sey-dreivin the furlie, but it’s massel, he’s jist ballast.” Translate: sey: test, try, attempt something difficult. “He believes he is the one test driving the machine, but it is I, he … Continue reading Sey. →
dummy, engineers, flight, flying, saucer, spaceship, suit, switch, technology, test, volcano Scottish Word: Yince.
“He’s seen Dumbo yince ower often.” Translate: yince: once. “He’s seen Dumbo once too often.” The Scottish Word: yince with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in context in the … Continue reading Yince. →
“Fleein in the scud on a besom up here!? Nivir nivir nivir iver – even in Summer – it’s a snell, bitter, cauld affair as onie auld beglamour o salt’ll tell ye.” Translate: beglamour: bewitched. “Flying … Continue reading Beglamour. →
broom, cold, fly, flying, full, moon, naked, nude, steeple, witch, witches, women
“Are ye sure it’s yir parachute ye packed oan yir back an no yir piecebox?” Translate: piecebox: lunchbox. “Are you sure it was your parachute you packed on your back and not your lunchbox?” The Scottish … Continue reading Piecebox. →
Scottish Word: Craw.
“Us rooks is maistly vegetarian apart frae the odd wirm or twa – unlike craws. An whut’s mair we huv the shaggy breeks.” Translate: craw: crow, corvus c. corone. “We rooks are mostly vegetarian apart from … Continue reading Craw. →