Scottish Word: Jabbit.
Nae worries Tri-Horn auld pal, it’s a jabbit ‘n dune Rex wiv left ahent us pechin oot his lungs oer thon daunder o a sklent. Ah doot he’ll mak it up the rest o the brae … Continue reading Jabbit.
Nae worries Tri-Horn auld pal, it’s a jabbit ‘n dune Rex wiv left ahent us pechin oot his lungs oer thon daunder o a sklent. Ah doot he’ll mak it up the rest o the brae … Continue reading Jabbit.
“Will he no boke wi you feeding him sae many purls?” Translate: purl: the little balls of dung found amongst the grass excreted by sheep, rabbits etc. “Do you not think that he’ll throw up with … Continue reading Purl, purls.
“Lunt awa son, lunt awa.” Translate: lunt: walk with a springy step, walk briskly. “Walk on briskly son, walk on briskly (don’t worry about me).” impatience. The Scottish Word: lunt with its definition and its meaning … Continue reading Lunt.
“Oh Lord please please please dinni let it be a banshee ahm hearin ahint me makin that eldritch din.” Translate: banshee: a wailing female spirit forecasting death or disaster. “Oh Lord please please please do not … Continue reading Banshee.
“Hae mercy ah’ve nocht bit a puckle bawbees in ma spung.” Translate: spung: a purse or money pouch, usually with a spring clasp. “Have mercy on me, I have nothing but a small amount of poor … Continue reading Spung.
“Are ye sure I’ve tae dae this afore I can jine the nae brakes brae gang?” Translate: brae: side of a hill; road with a steep gradient. “Are you sure that I have to do this … Continue reading Brae.
“Whaur’s the stobs?” Translate: stob: fence post. “What is holding up the delivery of the fence posts?” The Scottish Word: stobs with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in context … Continue reading Stobs.
‘Hoi! Ahm no deef ye ken.’ Translate: deef: deaf. ‘Hey! I am not deaf you know.’ The Scottish Word: deef with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in context in … Continue reading Deef.
‘Whaurs ma yowes?’ Translate: yowe: ewe; female sheep. ‘Where can it be that my ewes have gone I wonder?’ The Scottish Word: yowe with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used … Continue reading Yowe.
“That’s a fair chiel yiv got thur Erchie, are ye pittin ‘im in to the Games?” Translate: chiel: young man. “That’s a fine strong young lad you have there Archibald. Are you going to get him … Continue reading Chiel.