Scottish Word: Coof.
Them neeps, once neeps like us, coofs noo, are o the opinion that tumshies an baigies are unworthy o neep hood an want us aw deid. So hud the line an mak yer shots count – … Continue reading Coof.
Them neeps, once neeps like us, coofs noo, are o the opinion that tumshies an baigies are unworthy o neep hood an want us aw deid. So hud the line an mak yer shots count – … Continue reading Coof.
Turn aroond, backie up, thur’r crocodile murtherers aheid! Translate: murther, morthour: murder. Turn around, back up, there are crocodile murderers ahead. mʌrðər The Scottish Word: murther with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with … Continue reading Murther.
“G’aun yersel Andy.” Translate: g’aun yersel: go on yourself, you have it within you to do it; a warm and friendly term of encouragement. “More power to your elbow Andy.” focused. Most of Scotland and much … Continue reading G’aun yersel.
“An hoo long dae ye think ye’ll be aneath the watter wi the fishies?” Translate: aneath: under. “And how long do you think you will be under the water with the fishes?” The Scottish Word: aneath … Continue reading Aneath.
“Guidness! That wis a sair dunt yiv gie yirsel son” Translate: sair dunt: serious blow; My goodness! That was a rather serious blow to the skull you’ve given yourself dear boy. The Scottish Word: dunt with … Continue reading Dunt.