Scottish Word: Hauden.
Fresh eggs on demand. Braw. It’s a baxtarie competency few ken aboot. Taks years o trainin mind. But it’s a guid perty trick at ma cuikin an baxterin demos. I aye huv a hauden o trained … Continue reading Hauden.
Fresh eggs on demand. Braw. It’s a baxtarie competency few ken aboot. Taks years o trainin mind. But it’s a guid perty trick at ma cuikin an baxterin demos. I aye huv a hauden o trained … Continue reading Hauden.
“I’m awfie sairie sir, the sunblocks are gey shilpit an consequently it’s takin ages tae rub enough on.” Translate: shilpit: thin, insipid, puny. “I am so very sorry sir, the sunblocks are rather thin and and … Continue reading Shilpit.
“Tch! Hoo ist wi-oot fail the baith salts I’m efter gar me streek iviry time?” Translate: streek; streik: stretch, reach out. “Tch! Why is it that It seems to be a constant that the bath salts … Continue reading Streek.
“Ahm no sure but ahm thinking one o the forty thieves was still in there when we filled it foo wi the lard abile.” Translate: abile: boiling. “I am not certain but I think one of … Continue reading Abile.
“Hey man ye should straik yir barnet wi this skoosh, it’s nae sae creishy like ahn winni clag yer kame.” Translate: creish: grease. “Hey man you should comb up your hair using this aerosol, it is … Continue reading Creish.
“Ach it’s nithin but roosty jints, a wee skoosh o ile ‘ll see ye richt.” Translate: jint: joint. “Tut tut it is nothing but rusty joints, a little squirt of oil will see you OK.” The … Continue reading Jint.