Ah kent ah wiz ill-hung-thegither but this is takin the piss. Hoo’d ye jine a puggie’s haun that size tae sic a muckle airm like mine an get it tae work? It IS a puggie’s haun, … Continue reading Ill-hung-thegither. →
“Ah’m no wanting to be ower pernicketie Doctor F. but I think there’s somethin awry here, I jist canni put ma finger on it.” Translate: pernicketie, pirnickitie: very precise, obsessed by detail, fussy. “I do not … Continue reading Pernicketie. →
“Sorry we’re no dookin cats nae mair, no even wee baudrons’ – Dave over there’s no in fancy dress – it’s first aid.” Translate: baudrons: affectionate name for a cat, happy cat (re: mimic of the … Continue reading Baudrons. →
apron, bandage, beard, blood, cat, colour, dog, first aid, gloves, kitten, paint, pup, queue, receptionist, red, scar, stitches, wellies Scottish Word: Dear.
“Aye Aye Aye so ye thoucht moudieskin scrievin buiks cam wi-oot consequence an that woolly jumpers were adequate recompense did ye? The dootfu cottage industry we deny in oor pursuit o ert! Nae wonder they’re sae … Continue reading Dear. →
animals, cold, knitting, mole, moles, moleskin, needles, nude, skin, stitches, wool
“Ah’ll pirl the poke o bluid wi a shairp pyke mithtreth an wi yin splatter the maithter will be guid as new.” Translate: splatter: sprinkle about, spatter. “I will prod the bag of blood with a … Continue reading Splatter. →
Scottish Word: Een.
“Ah’m no sure it’s ethical tae transplant the een o a hoolet intae the heid o a peepin tom.” Translate: een: eyes. “I am not sure it is ethical to transplant the eyes of an owl … Continue reading Een. →