“I’m awfie sairie sir, the sunblocks are gey shilpit an consequently it’s takin ages tae rub enough on.” Translate: shilpit: thin, insipid, puny. “I am so very sorry sir, the sunblocks are rather thin and and … Continue reading Shilpit. →
Scottish Word: Sicht.

“That’s a sicht ah nivir, ivir, want tae see again.” Translate: sicht: sight. “That is a sight I never, ever, want to see again.” sight. The Scottish Word: sicht with its definition and its meaning illustrated … Continue reading Sicht. →
Scottish Word: Plook.

“Aye, yir bonnie, aside frae the plook on the neb.” Translate: plook: pimple. “Yes, you are beautiful, apart from the pimple on your nose.” The Scottish Word: plook with its definition and its meaning illustrated and … Continue reading Plook. →
Scottish Word: Sheuch.

‘Hoi lassy, mind yirsel. Yir breeks huv slipped up yir sheuch.’ Translate: sheuch: furrow or trench. ‘Miss, miss, you must attend to yourself. Your bikini bottom has slipped unawares betwixt your buttocks’ The Scottish Word: sheuch … Continue reading Sheuch. →