Let the wind blow high, let the wind blow low, Through the streets in my kilt I’ll go, And all the lassies shout hello, Donald where’s your troosers… Owersettins: troosers: troos trousers. Let the wind blow … Continue reading Troosers, troos. →
bath, boat, cat, gas, kilt, mouse, razor, soap, stair, stocking, stormy, tankard, towel, trousers Scottish Word: Wrang.

“Ah goat the idea frae a scuil web site whaur they completely masked all the wean’s swatches tae forbid inappropriate enjosement o the photies. So ah thoucht ah’d dae the same tae the pentins tae protect … Continue reading Wrang. →

“Ooooyah! That soonded like a twa hipper skite tae me.” Translate: twa hipper skite: two hip slip (both broken). “Ouch! That sounded like a two hip slip to me.” confined. See all my IF thumbnails and … Continue reading Twa hipper skite. →
Scottish Word: Micht.

“Ah micht… then again ah micht no.” Translate: micht: might, may. “I might… then again I might not.” The Scottish Word: micht with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in … Continue reading Micht. →