Scottish Word: Breeks.
‘Them’s no pants them’s breeks!’ Translate: breeks: trousers. ‘These are not pants these are trousers!’ Red Nose Day. Say ‘Pants to Poverty’ Make a donation to Comic Relief – here! The Scottish Word: breeks with its … Continue reading Breeks. →
fancy dress, fashion, girl, girls, group, legs, pants, skin, spots, stockings, trousers
‘Why are they prayin guisers sae soor faced?’ ‘Cos they’re no goin roon their neibours an freends guisin’ that’s why.’ Translate: guising: to go round your neighbours and friends, in fancy dress, offering entertainment in exchange … Continue reading Guising. →
choir, costumes, disguise, group, halloween, kids, mask, masks, pumpkin, treat, trick