Scottish Word: Birl.

“Look – the hydraulic spanner is birling the diver instead of the nut.” Translate: birl: revolve rapidly, whirl round. “Look – the hydraulic spanner is spinning the diver instead of the nut.” Subtract – puns are … Continue reading Birl. →
aqualung, balloon, deep, divers, diving, flippers, octopus, repair, sea, submarine, technology, tentacles, under water, water Scottish Word: Micht.

“Ah micht… then again ah micht no.” Translate: micht: might, may. “I might… then again I might not.” The Scottish Word: micht with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in … Continue reading Micht. →

“Ah see ye went in wi a bit o a sploosh.” Translate: sploosh: a messy splash. “I see that you went in with rather a splash of distinction.” The Scottish Word: sploosh with its definition and … Continue reading Sploosh. →