Scottish Word: Bile.
I think the kettle’s bilin noo Sparky, onie mair heat and ye’ll hae its erse melted awa. And whaur’ll we be with oor tea perty then! Oot! Oot o tea. That’s what. Noo pit yer bilet … Continue reading Bile.
I think the kettle’s bilin noo Sparky, onie mair heat and ye’ll hae its erse melted awa. And whaur’ll we be with oor tea perty then! Oot! Oot o tea. That’s what. Noo pit yer bilet … Continue reading Bile.
“Aye Aye Aye so ye thoucht moudieskin scrievin buiks cam wi-oot consequence an that woolly jumpers were adequate recompense did ye? The dootfu cottage industry we deny in oor pursuit o ert! Nae wonder they’re sae … Continue reading Dear.
“Aye nae question, yer no lookin sae hard noo yiv bin scalpit.” Translate: scalpit: scalped, haircut, shorn. “Ahhh indeed it is not to be disputed, you are not so tough looking now that you have been … Continue reading Scalpit.